Hartford Pike Solar

Project Story


SunLight General Capital has used local development efforts and labor for the installation of this project, including acquiring the services of Newport Renewables, a local solar installation firm, and Terrasmart, a racking provider, to construct a 6.2 MW project. This project is set in two separated tranches: one Tranche entered into the Feed-in-Tariff with Rhode Island’s RE-Growth program, and another participating in the Community Remote Net Metering pilot program. Covering about 12 acres, the system is comprised of approximately 15,000 solar panels.

In partnership with Arcadia, a leading platform offering clean energy solutions to utility customers nationwide, this Community Solar project will offer clean energy and savings local Rhode Island residents of 10% bill credit savings. This 3.48-megawatt Tranche of the project is producing around 4,384,800 kilowatt-hours of solar energy in its first year, which is the equivalent of avoiding the consumption of 7,178 barrels of oil. The project became operational in January 2021. The project currently has over 600 subscribers and is still accepting customers.